Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Yes, there were tremors

My dad was the first to notice. I was too engrossed watching Discovery Channel on cable. And perhaps still a little groggy from the lack of sleep.

The tremors started to get rather obvious. And that was when my mum starting talking and talking and talking and talking and if talking will pull her through the ordeal. She started pacing up and down the entire length of the house because she said staying still or being seated gives her headaches.

I thought it might have lasted for 5 minutes but probably it was a lot less. Just that mum's incessant movements and talking made the tremors scarier than they actually were.

I peered down to see that quite a number of folks living across the road had already gone down to the ground floor.

Was it safer? I doubt it. But a peace of mind that is provided by actions taken is very comforting.


vulnerable toes said...

rem the first tremor u felt when we were supposed to supper at rezki and i overslept? looks like i missed it again!

.::: .: :.:. :.: ... ::: :. .::. .: :. ::. said...

yah lah. think it was a big match night...Man U vs some team. Can't remember the match but yah lah, you flew my aeroplane.