Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's nothing but a tragedy

Young and strong Hollywood son

I think the first time I saw Heath Ledger on the big screen was 10 Things I Hate About You. It wasn't him I was looking out for. Julia Stiles was obviously the preferred eye candy. It was the far and few chick flicks that I caught. I don't really watch enough of chick flicks, horror or comedies. I thought this particular one I could part some dollars for. For Julia Stiles.

And the movie was really quite good. Especially the exchanges between Kat, Julia Stiles' character and Patrick, which was a relatively unknown Heath Ledger. I did not watch The Patriot.

Young and strong beautiful one

I think most people remember him as one half of the cowboy duo from Brokeback Mountain. That movie earned him an Oscar nomination. Married the girl he met on the their daughter will have to grow up without her father.

Why don't you let him be?
He's gone

I wonder why the did mypaper choose the headlines "Heath Ledger's Descent Into Heroin Hell".

Somewhat irresponsible journalism. Very much sensationalism. Unprofessional.

Your vulture's candor
Your casual slander
You murder his memory

Well, no matter the cause of his death, his talent cannot be doubted.

How could we save him from himself?

Patrick: Was that a yes?
Kat Stratford: No.
Patrick: Well, then, was that a no?
Kat Stratford: No.

Music and lyrics by Natalie Merchant ~ River (originally written for River Phoenix 1970 - 1993)

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