Monday, January 30, 2006

16 Market Place Knaresborough

The address above is the location of

Ye Oldest Chymist Shoppe in England
Established 1720

Knaresborough is a place I would like to revisit again. Row down the River Nidd again. Rediscovering the mesmerising taste of earl grey, sippping the tea in the tea house located by the river with the sitting section overlooking the river. The Knaresborough viaduct framing the background while I munch on biscuits.

I'll post a picture of a box of toffee I bought from the shoppe back when I was in university.

Yorkshire Traditional ToffeeTadah! This is the box that I have kept since 2002. The expiry date of the toffee is 11 Dec 2002. The contents of the box are long gone of course.

I think if there are any fairies in this world, they are all found in Knaresborough.


Princess Poofie said...

i see that u really missed uk..

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Wonderful photo. Do you mind putting up more of those?