Monday, May 28, 2007

被异忘的时光 - Forgotten Times

There are some voices in the chinese pop arena that are evergreen. Fei Yu Qing is one of them. Tsai Chin too. I cannot remember which movie was it that I watched that had this song. Maybe I've never watched a movie with this song. Maybe it was Hou Hsiao-Hsien's Three Times. Or was it The Protege?

But each time I hear this song, I imagine an old room that hasn't been used for some time. There is a grand old and ornate dresser. Pale ivory. A tarnished mirror. Aged by time. An open window with wooden frames overlooking a garden that had been left unkept. The day curtains billowing in the slight breeze. You move closer to the old gramophone and played the vinyl that was placed on the plate. A few crackles come through the speaker and you hear this song.....

是谁在敲打我窗 (who is rapping at my window)
是谁在撩动琴弦 (who is strumming those strings)
那一段被遗忘的时光 (those forgotten times)
渐渐地回升出我心坎 ( waveringly relived in the depths of my heart)

是谁在敲打我窗 (who is rapping at my window)
是谁在撩动琴弦 (who is strumming those strings)
记忆中那欢乐的情景 (those happy times residing in my memory)
慢慢的浮现在我的脑海 (slowly emerge in my mind)

那缓缓飘落的小雨 (the gentle fall of drizzle)
不停的打在我窗 (relentlessly pattering my window)
只有那沈默不语的我 (alone with my quietude)
不时的回想过去 (the memories engulf me)

I tried my lousy hand at translating. It shows that my language skills are silly. I got a B4 for English as 1st Language (hahahaha) and B3 for Mother Tongue.

For those who want to have a karaoke version.

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