Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Help Me Please

There's no light in the hall. There's no sound here at all. Emptiness.

"Emptiness, rules." He thought to himself. "Why'd I wanna come home?"

He notices that you ain't sat in your chair.
He realises that
no one calls because no ones there.
The wall of the hall is empty except for just a clock, tick-tocking away.

He is alone, accompanied only by his
tears. So many tears.

"Help me please. I'm in need. Cause being alone scares the life out of me."
was the message he left in your answering machine.

The words sounded familiar:
Help me please. I'm in need."
"Cause being alone scares the life out of me. Being alone scares the life out of me."

Weren't those the very words you thought of when you were being neglected?

Breaking down the stairs, he whispered to himself,
"Hello loneliness. Hello despair...."

All of this, all of it wrong.

In that moment he realises that
you won't ever come home.
He mustered a grim smile.

You told yourself that they can take what they please. They can take the blame.
You've learnt to forgive yourself and to let go.

Everything, everything is free. Have it on me

But as the recorded messages in your answering machine starts to playback,
you kept on hearing his plea.

"Help me please. I'm in need. Cause being alone scares the life out of me."

"Being alone scares the life out of me too." you thought to yourself.

Being alone scares the life out of me.



Anonymous said...

this is good lyrics...(='o^=)

Anonymous said...

oh dear...did i typed "this lyrics are good" or "these lyrics are good"? I think I meant to say "the lyrics are good"... nonetheless, I've created grammatical mayhem. Maybe i should just go to bed...