Sunday, August 19, 2007


There was a time when tattoos were tattooed on for loved ones. Like Johhny Depp's famous "Winona Forever" on his right arm.

After their breakup, he lasered off the "na" and it became "Wino Forever".

The wine-alcoholic within. Sigh....

Last Friday night I saw a girl with a tattoo on her right shoulder that read "Val" with a heart around it. The cynic in me told me that her name was actually "Valerie" and she was kinda half-hearted about the whole tattoo business so opted for a shortened form of her own name.

I wondered why didn't I think that her boyfriend's name was "Val"? <-----<< *the fact was that I thought of it but it wasn't my initial impression.

Cynicism is contagious.

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