Monday, October 01, 2007


SuperPoke! is such a wussy application. If you are on FaceBook and have this application, you might know what I mean.

Check out the current sub-optimal list of choices I have.....

Under New! I can see the latest actions that I have received because I have been superpoking people. If you're on my FaceBook and I have not superpoked on...

What the hell?! Hadouken? Street-Fighter meh?

Littlefish has hadoukened Friend ABC.

I have issues with the Nice action list as well. Chest bump is a nice thing? I mean if Pamela Anderson and Jenna Jamseon do a chest bump, yeah, maybe that is a nice thing. You might even hear the squeak that arises from the friction between mammary tissues and silicone bag. But I don't go around chest-bumping people as a friendly gesture. It's as foreign to me as Borat's kissing is to the Americans. And what the hell?! Goose is a "nice" gesture? I won't think many will consider having their genitals flicked or their bums pinched as a very "nice" experience. Masochists maybe. After seeing "spank", I confirmed that Americans are a kinky lot with rather masochistic leanings. - What do you mean this isn't news to you?

I like the Mean list. Muahahahaha....

Roundhouse kick sounds like Chuck Norris. I wonder if Chuck Norris is on FaceBook. What Would Chuck Norris Do on FaceBook? WWCND? Defenestrate is just too much of a mouthful now isn't it? Sounds arcane. No, worse. Medieval. And actually, defenestration is almost always done by a group. So I propose that the defenestrate SuperPoke! action can be carried out on an individual only after another 5 others join in. I love a park-kak (*hokkien for conspire)!

Littlefish has defenestrated Friend ABC with Slot, Wrath, Greed, Lust and Envy. Nice!

PG-13 is the most disappointing of the lot.
I am happy to have dry-humping, groping, cock-block and doing in here though. Weird that it is only PG-13 lah but Gimme more!

I hope that after 1000 SuperPoke! pokes, I can unlock a PG-18 list of actions.

Like so......

I would like to state categorically that I will object to the inclusion of actions like "rape", "abuse", "mutilate". Maybe there should be a PG-21 after 2000 SuperPokes!

I have decided to "hadouken" everybody on my FaceBook! Cause I feel like it.....


Littlefish has hadoukened everybody on his FaceBook. Muahahahaha


Anonymous said...

OMG! U are hilarious!!!

.::: .: :.:. :.: ... ::: :. .::. .: :. ::. said...

I'm so grateful somebody actually read this through. Relieved as well that a funny entry has found a supporter. Yay!
will catch ur performance soon....

vulnerable toes said...

walaoz.. u sooo into facebook?

.::: .: :.:. :.: ... ::: :. .::. .: :. ::. said...

fun mah....

otherwise i got not much social life.....

vulnerable toes said...

sibeh no-lifer... me too.. ;p