Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I found it funny when.....

People use the word "irregardless". Especially Singaporeans. Especially when it's in the pledge ".....regardless or race, language or religion.."

It's equally bad when it's "wreck havoc" when it should be "wreak havoc".

And today, during a meeting amongst colonels, people mispronounce words like "circumstances" which became "circumcises". "Permanent" somehow became "pernament". "Stick out like a sore thumb" became "stick out like a sore dick". And although it's "prescriptive" but you "prescribe" rather than "prescript" you asshat.



Anonymous said...

it's even worse (or hilarious for my case) when u hear mis-pronounced words @ church.
Peace be with you = Piss be with u.
Prosecution = Prostitution.

.::: .: :.:. :.: ... ::: :. .::. .: :. ::. said...

Church? There's the classic wedding gaff where the priest says "By the power (of Grey Skull, I am The Master Of The Universe!) infested in me.....yadah yadah and wife. You may kiss the bride."

By this time, the couple should be cowering from whatever it is that the priest is infested with.

Anonymous said...

no wonder divorce rates are climbing...

vulnerable toes said...

i know i'm only coming across this years later... but u are just anal la.. ;p