Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Grow Up People!

I am not the social beast that many make me out to be.

Jinks was there to remind me of that last Friday. He was telling Jenny about some BMT peer appraisal thing over our completes. So I asked him in return. If I was put in room for 15 minutes. Or even an hour or two. Will I talk to anyone or make new friends?

Jinks knows the answer because he knows me well.
Well enough to know anyway.

But give me three months and pull me and the people around through shit, yeah, maybe that will provide enough opportunities for me to hoodwink them. Make them all believe what a nice guy jackson is.

You see, I am not a natural spark plug. I won't have swarms of people crowding around me to hear my anecdotes at a party. Girls don't hang themselves on my shoulders.

But I am a fantastic con artist.

Given enough time, I can form a bridge between two warring sides. I can slide in between enemy sides, having full immunity on either sides, like some form of universal diplomatic clearance. And even if I cannot form a bridge, I definitely can shuttle in between the two camps.

I sent out an email to a long list of York alumni. Because considering that York is a top ranking uni in UK, there isn't a proper alumni association going on. The last White Rose dinner, the representatives from Leeds and Sheffield Universities were all asking when York is going to set up an alumni. Well, I don't know.

The reason why I sent out the email was because everyone sharing the table with me at Siawyann's wedding was saying I am the best person to send it. In fact, in order to get people to turn up for a planned gathering, I should just announce that it's my wedding banquet.

Maybe it's because I'm easy going, maybe it's because I couldn't careless.
Maybe it's because I know when to keep my big mouth shut, maybe it's because I always have my wits about.
Maybe it's because I adapt easily to accommodate everyone, maybe it's because I am two-faced. Maybe it's because everyone thinks that I can be trusted, maybe it's because I trust no one with my thoughts.

Well, I have to say it's very very tiring to be the in-betweener of two sides. And sometimes more. Often you get torn apart. Often you find yourself at a loss. Even if you don't take sides, you take offence when one side decides to hurt the other. And in the cross fire, you get hurt too.


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