Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Time Person Of The Year: You

At first I thought it meant that "we" (the readers of the magazine) gets to choose.

Then I thought again. Maybe Time magazine editors went to Jiak Kim Street recently when DJ Sonny was spinning during one of his "You" nights.

Then I finally realised that the magazine meant "you", the netizens.

Like fuck it is.

It's just a fucking marketing gimmick! They know that a million (actually it's more than 11,389, 348) blogs and metablogs and webpages will be writing about how Time is naming "You" as the Person Of The Year. This will generate more exciting in the internet/worldwideweb/blogosphere etc etc. Netizens will just go crazy and gush their way through the next few days. Technorati will show that "Time Magazine You", "Person Of The Year", "Web 2.0" and all the other "buzzy words" they used topping the tags.

Last year it was Bono and the Gates. Year before that was George dubya Bush. His second time. That was in 2004. It should have been the year "Bloggers" were the Persons Of The Year.

So it's a postponement. And really, it feels like it's 2 years late.

Ok, I'm just being bitchy and adding to the fray. And by tagging this entry as such, I'm trying to shamelessly generate passing traffic. Whatever the fuck for? I don't know. Time Magazine says "YOU" can go decide.

Go sleep.

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