Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Time of the year

Although we (Singaporeans) live on a tropical island just 1 degree north of the equator, we are subjected to the same physiological (dunno if it's the right words) changes that takes place around the world.

Humans, as a species, probably spent much of their time in the northern hemisphere. Which is to say, winter is from November through to February or so. And like most other animals, we pile on fats to get through the cold winter months. Due to the lack of sunshine, we get seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Maybe that is why towards the end of the year, more deaths occur. But that could be attributed to the cold weather directly ie. the poor and the old die from the cold either because they cannot afford heating or they suffer from illnesses.

The main point is about the piling of fats. Which leads to gaining of weight. The appearance of flab. And along with it, the whining of girls.

In the blogs that I read, some of which belong the girls, they are all talking about their weight. And a number of the blogs have the owner in a contemplative mood.

Here comes the interesting bit - what about those in the southern hemisphere? I guess they won't bitch so much since they are enjoying their summers. Maybe they'll complain about not having a "winter wonderland" during Christmas. They are always dreaming of a white Christmas. So no seasonal affective disorder down there.

What about putting on weight to get through the grueling months from November to February? Well, I think they are a little screwed here. Because they grow fatter during the year end (because of the way our genes are engineered) but get cold only during the middle of the year, they grow fat all year round.

So people down under, if they are sad, it's not the climate. It's their own bodies.

Sort of.

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