Thursday, March 09, 2006

Not your average Eureka! moment

I was having a shower when I thought about this really random thought.

I do mean random.

What does it say about a person (only referring to those who wear spectacles/glasses) if s/he keeps their glasses on while showering? I realised that I have been keeping them on for the past year or so....

So I, as it were, Googled "wearing glasses in the shower" and guess what? Apparently most girls who do that keep them on when they are shaving their legs in the shower.

But fuck. I don't shave my legs. So then what? Moreover, I hold onto the shower head instead of fixing it on the shower head socket thingie.

And then another thing came into my head.

When I am showering (and if I am not holding onto the shower head), do I face the shower head or face away from it? I remember when I was in Uni, I always face the shower head. Apparently that's not the norm. Does it matter how the door to the shower room is positioned relative to the shower head?

Fuck.....Archimedes' Eureka! moment in the bath led to him discovering the use of density. Mine's about shaving leg hair and fucking which direction people face in a shower?

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