Sunday, March 12, 2006

Jews of the East

I am reading a book by Milton Osbourne which is really a condensed Introductory History of Southeast Asia. In it, there were brief mentions of Angkor Wat and all the other ancient kingdoms here like Srivijaya (sounds like a shop I know along Little India). The decline of these once powerful kingdoms were attributed to factors that was expounded by Jared Diamond in this other book that I have been trying to finish called Collapse.

Reading these two books, made me wanna read another book which I came across about 5 years ago called Essential Outsiders by Anthony Reid and Daniel Chirot which in essence is likening Chinese in Southeast Asia to the Jews of the East. This phrase isn't new, some 80 years ago, King Rama VI of Thailand already coined that phrase.

Apparently it's for reference only and it is available only at Woodlands Regional Library. Why only at Woodlands? Your guess is as good as mine.

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