Saturday, March 18, 2006

I have added more stuff to my KoC performance review after reading Yeow Kai Chai's review on Life! section of AssTee.

And also read about Tom Brook's analysis on the Best Picture tussle between Brokeback and Crash. I recently attended this communication and management workshop and for part of the communication module, we each had to present a topic lasting no more than 4 minutes. Not wanting to prepare much for it, I decided to have a go at something I was rather familiar with and popular at the same time. I am not sure if this is common to those around me, but any activity done by two guys will always get some "brokeback" jokes about it. Even Taiwanese politicians are getting into it. Between Li Ao and some other hooligan politician. Haha.

Anyway, I was presenting something on why wasn't Brokeback Mountain awarded Best Picture. The analysis was so close to what Tom Brook said in his interview with Life!, I'm secretly proud.

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