Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I don't know what to blog about

So Lee Ang was awarded Best Director. Not wildly unexpected. C'mon, he was the "People's Choice" back when Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was out. Brokeback Mountain didn't get Best Picture. *yawn* The awards show was in Los Angeles, not that there was any blatant favouritism going on, I had my reservations with Brokeback Mountain getting Best Picture. Haven't watched Crash so wouldn't know better really.

Finished reading Freakonomics over the weekend when I was in JKT with V. More to write about but not now.

Kinda tired and not feeling top of the world at the moment. so.....good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a coincidence, i just saw the book at popular and was pondering over getting it! its pretty lonely here without comments... maybe it will be the same when i start mine hehe =P