Wednesday, July 27, 2005

My Motorcycle Diary

was at the art house with v earlier to catch the motorcycle diaries.
i cannot remember if i told v but i had wanted to watch this when it was in the cinemas. it's always a case of the mind is willing but the body refuses. well, sorta. a movie that we both wanna watch usually will not materialise into actual buying of tickets and watching it in a cinema because, i dunno why either.


i had wanted to watch it because of the glowing reviews it had received and wanted to find out more about the guy i see so often on t-shirts.
the movie started at 930pm and ended about 2 hours later. in between there was a trip and everyone missed a part of it.

sometimes i hate movies. movies like these make me sad sometimes. as the two main characters in the movie are preparing themselves for the ambitious tour de force, i can't stop myself from thinking, how recent was it that i secretly harboured similar thoughts albeit in another continent. to traipsed all over south east asia and indo-china. to take in the breadth and length of malaysia, indonesia, thailand, philippines, vietnam, cambodia, laos, myannmar, borneo....brunei did not really cross my mind.
i dunno when was it i started losing myself. perhaps to lose myself sounds rather worrying. i should use "getting jaded" instead.
i am no revolutionaire. i am but a person who once had different dreams from now. had different demands and was demanded differently. if finding neverland made me think about me losing my wide-eyed wonder, then surely, the motorcycle diaries was about me thinking about my wanderlust and lack of freedom at present to pursue as well as how the length of time does not matter when it comes to having your ideals degraded.

the characters were secondary. the message was the main driving force behind this fantastic movie. the sound editing was bad, the editing of the footages were pretty cock up too. but the energy and joie de vie of the two youths out to see the world for themselves right at the cusp of their last step out of dependence into full adulthood was not inspiring. rather, i look at my sad self and thought deeply.

there will be more things to think about...............

*why must they change the dinner to saturday instead?*

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