Sunday, July 23, 2006

At The Touch Of Love, Everyone Becomes A Poet

The title of this entry is a quote by Plato.

Weirdly, his name lends itself to a relationship devoid of physical desire.

However, we use it to decribe love between two person, not necessarily of different sex, that does not include physical intimacy. Viewed in this light, the laity is convinced that it is to be used to describe a relationship between friends. Pure and simple.

Which is weirder still. An intimacy that transcends physical states. Isn't this love existing on a higher plane than non-platonic love? One that is on a spiritual level, a love that links two person beyond the physical realm, intangible but does not require proximity to be expressed.

So while conventionally, we think that platonic relationships does not connote physical desires, it perhaps should be the level that relationships seek to attain. That which lies beyond the tangible. Not constraint by geography. Free from rules and laws of physics yet binds two person in a recondite manner.

On the contrary, platonic relationship, though pure, is not simple simple. It shouldn't be. It cannot be. Platonic relationships have spiritual love. Therein lies the pureness of platonic relationships. That is supposedly more desirable than physical love. So platonic relationships is simple in the sense that it is non-physical but spiritual in nature. But it is not simple in the sense that it is difficult to attain.

I think we all probably have the best chance of a platonic relationship when we were younger. The magic of puppy love is not knowing that it will end.

read this entry with this and this

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