Saturday, July 29, 2006


Was at the winebar last night with ys, v, wy and a host of other guy friends of ys from "the service'.

It's amazing how many people don't know where winebar is.
It's even more amazing that my friends, along with myself, assume that by the mere mention of "winebar", it should mean the cosy (sometimes warm, occasionally hot) bar at the side of Zouk.

Well, truth is, not everybody knows where the winebar is. And there are winebars and there is the winebar.

After a few drinks, wy and I were complaining how we are both being neglected by v cause now she has a concubine new gf. that means that v has got one bf *fingers crossed*, gf 1 and gf 2. So gf 1 is feeling threatened and complaining about the lack of "representation" on v's friendster. well, apparently gf 1 hasn't toured with v so accordingly she'll have less representation. Since we both - I am forming an alliance with wy here - have less time and energy to lavish on v, we are increasingly sidelined. =(
We are apparently found lacking in glibness as well (besides time and energy). I am patenting this phrase: "I don't think I can [insert activity here] but I really don't want to let you down." or something to that effect.

It's tough to share.

mental note: Eating frog leg porridge after 2 lychee martinis, 2 water-melon martinis, a screwdriver and a jug of vodka cranberry is not satisfying. Frog porridge does not mix well with alcohol.

1 comment:

Goat Almighty said...

that something website is really something. hahaha.

anyway, i think frogs don't swim well in alcohol. maybe that's why, especially with no upper body and all...