Sunday, February 05, 2006

Wow! People do read my kinda shit.

recently mong said my blog seems to be getting more hits than before.

like 70 a day.

last i checked, it was only averaging 20 or so.

so earlier when i took a peek....i was happy to see someone stumbling upon my block because s/he did a technorati search for york singsoc. so i clicked on some the the york uni singaporean students' blog talking about the minster, spending x'mas, having potluck dinners, getting "home cooked food" for the first time in a long time, it sure brought back some memories.

the average did go up. averaging 40 odd.

what i did notice just now when i checked was that there's this person who read 83 of my entries. s/he did it in 169 minutes or so. that's 2 hrs and 49 mins.

kinda freaky.

1 comment:

Princess Poofie said...

yes, that's freaky...
man oh man,wad's with this person??
maybe u have a secret admirer...
the longest one spent on my blog is just 4-5 mins....
which is actually quite looooong, to me....