Sunday, February 05, 2006

Why is it Fearless and not Huo Yuan Jia?

I was out today pretty much by myself.
Apart from making myself a very happy boy (not in that sense), I watched Fearless, or also the most important Jet Li movie. Or also Jet Li's most anticipated martial arts film....blah blah....

Don't really know why it goes by the name Fearless in angmoh. There's nothing much about overcoming fear in the movie. But I suppose they cannot really market it to the rest of the western world as Huo Yuan Jia...

I do think that after Jet Li's multiple portrayal of chinese martial arts' greats, this one has got to be one of the best. He was previously Wang Fei Hong in the Once Upon a Time in China series then Fang Shi Yu in the Fong Sai Yuk series.

The movie is based loosely on some unverified rumours like how he was eventually poisoned by the japanese, how he beat some angmohs in China...and some truth like how his good friend, Nong Jinsun and himself, started the Jin Wu Men martial arts school.

Some background here and here...
The Singapore Branch for Chin Woo Athletic Association is at No.90, Neil Road,
Singapore 0208

Ph: (+65) 2238540 Fax: (+65) 2262891

It's always a joy to watch martial arts movies with Jet Li in it. Primarily because there won't be too much CGI or special effects. This one had more than the Once Upon A Time series...but still ok.

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