Tuesday, April 03, 2007

what do you make of it?

Recently, the Pope said this about Europe's population trend:

I really really have to be crazy to think the way I do. Nefarious perhaps. Dastardly, having make such claims on a blog. Blasphemous!

But guys, relax. I am just imagining. Like how I would look at an ah beng busking outside Ngee Ann City, playing a Mandarin pop oldie on the organ and start telling V about the guy's life. According to my imagination. V can only roll her eyes that much. Anymore rolling, her eye muscles can start to bench more than her arms.

Anyhow......here's what I think......

You know how we are all led to believe (some people lah) after reading Dan Brown fiction, how secretive and powerful the Vatican is?

Well, Pope's probably worried about his membership. I have no figures but my guess is this. Most Catholics in Europe are born into Catholic families. That is why they are Catholics. They are born into it. Unlike Protestant etc etc....other Christians, Catholics should worry about the falling birth rates cause that would mean a reduced membership size. Not good when you want to be powerful.

So before I can push my hypothesis any further, I gotta get some statistics on things like "Why did you become a Catholic" and also for all the other denominations. Next I will get the birth rates of Catholics to verfiy if indeed, Catholics, like the rest of Europe are reproducing at a reduced rate. Catholics aren't suppose to use contraceptives I think. So they must have lots of discipline.

The Pope's concern is mainlPublishy for Europe. Cause the growth in Americas (South especially), Asia (China especially, India not as much) and Africa are great.

Basically, you can't be a "powerful" organisation if your membership is limited.

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