Friday, April 06, 2007

I can't last here....

I awoke, having dozed of in front of the tv at 8 plus in the evening, feeling this great urge to either head down to Zouk and get gloriously drunk or just sit myself down and blog away.

I've been thinking everyday about you
Don't fit anywhere into my life
but that's okay

Sometimes I get torn between my procrastinator self and my hedonistic self. It's unlike the "let's put off sex till the next morning" sort of dilemma. Or the "I should drink the nth glass of gin tonic in an hour's time" decision. These, I can sort out easily.

Please don't leave me standing
with my heart in my hand

I can't last here

Damn, procrastinator self won over tonight. Someday I will overcome my inertia and have sex both at night and in the morning. And drink n glasses of gin and tonic within the hour.

I'm breaking down
and no one understands why I got here
But I knew
from the very first moment that I met you
You'd be the one

I'm going to enjoy my weekend no matter. I've got no time for hanger-ons or no-shows. If you can't go my way don't step onto my highway. Well, that sorta thing anyway.

Would you meet me by the water tonight?
Would you please fall asleep holding my hand?

In the background, Rachael Yamagata is singing Meet Me By The Water. And she asked not to be left standing with her heart in her hand and to have him fall asleep holding her hand...

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