Saturday, November 04, 2006

Phuket Series #07: Firecracker Special

Phuket Town comes alive during the Vegetarian Festival and the most prominent sound you hear is that of firecrackers going off. It started as being a novelty cause they were outlawed in Singapore since dunno when. But after hearing the nth time of firecrackers going off, it was starting to irritate.

There was an instance when the "grand chariot" was being carried through the busiest roundabout in Phuket Town, the crowd just went bonkers. I suppose the number of firecrackers let off for a specific chariot will be a good reflection of the relative importance of the chariot. The pictures here show two which in particular bore the brunt of the firecrackers.

And just after taking the last photo here, one of the firecracker paper cartridge actually flew about 20 over metres and hit my face just below my right eye!
#01: Introduction
#02: General
#03: Food
#04: Island Tour
#05: Vegetarian Festival
#06: Muay Thai
#07: Firecracker Special
#08: Afterthoughts

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