Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Can we go steady? 我可以和你交往吗?Do you wanna hang out?

And on Valentine's Day, we celebrate with the person who said "yes" to the question.

I don't exactly know the origins of Valentine's Day but often you hear people say that it's invented by a) Hallmark b) Women c) Florists d) Chocolatiers e) Tiffany's f) Louis Vuitton g) jewellers ......you get the picture.

The very same people will say that Valentine's Day is just any normal day, that any day can be Valentine's Day.......I agree. No point buying roses because they are so marked up during this time....I agree.

They will add that the "true spirit" of Valentine's Day is to enjoy the day with your loved ones and not just your girlfriend or boyfriend....I agree.

But if for the rest of the year, you've not given any flowers, you've not made the people who matter in your life feel loved, you've not done anything besides to please yourself, why not just use this day as an excuse and make that special someone special.


Anonymous said...

Simply put...(and taken from a Miss Kittin song title), HAPPY VIOLENTIMES DAY!

.::: .: :.:. :.: ... ::: :. .::. .: :. ::. said...


Happy erm...Violent Times too!