Thursday, August 25, 2005

If I am getting anything FRIVOLOUS this X'mas

Poofie was asking why am I writing about china, hate to admit, but, I don't know myself.

So I shall come up with something lame like "oh, I am looking to buy myself a Ronnefeldt Tilting tea pot. It's 28 sterling pounds online. So officially, it's cause I am in a mood for tea accessories. I don't normally drink tea bags at home but you can buy me tea caddies, especially fine bone china ones with hand-drawn flowers featuring English summery blooms. Not satisfied with a stainless steel loose tea grip cum diffuser I have that I got from Lakeland eons ago, why shouldn't anyone get me one of them beautiful looking Ronnefeldt tea pots?

Those who have been to BigO at Wheelock would have seen this pot.

Ronnefeldt This is where you put in the tea leaves. Pour boiling water into the same opening. Allow tea to diffuse.

Ronnefeldt As the tea darkens, stand to the next angle and continue to steep tea. (steep is such a perfect word for tea. wordsmiths take note: to steep is to soak in a liquid at a temperature under the boiling point - taken from

Ronnefeldt And finally as the tea is at the strength/colour/taste that you want, seat the tea pot upright and the built-in strainer will ensure the leaves stay on the top (easy cleaning) and Ronnefeldt perfect tea comes through the spout. Whatever that means. duh.

Photos taken from by Ayman Shamma

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