Sunday, August 28, 2005

Class of 1991 (May Primary School)

My primary schoolmates had a chalet at Downtown East this weekend and it was tiring (I had sailing in the early part of the week and IPPT on friday) but plenty of fun.

It was suppose to start at 730pm but I got there only at 9pm or so. But I wasn't the latest. Stayed up all night (till 7am on Saturday) playing modified "murderer". Can't believe that at 26 years of age, we are still playing chalet games that we used to play when in our early teens.

Let me rattle off who was there:
There were the usual suspects - qinglin, shuyun, huihui, yvonne, ruoting, meiyi, guoliang, howard, junjie, weiwen.
ruiwen and lingling did their cameo as well.
Imran and Dinesh were there too!

Introducing.....the class of 1991 (May Primary School - we're a dying breed, the school is no more)
boys and girls

Now who weren't there: xinyi, huijiao, chengyi, xueying, weiyang (USA), yisheng (USA), satheesh (probably more.....)

The girls took a group picture:
girls only

The boys couldn't be outdone!
boys only

The girls had initial difficulty when it came to posing. I guess they wanted to look good for the picture. So while they were busy trying to decide who to sit where, I decided to take a photo of guoliang taking a picture of them. twice the candid-ness I'd say.
girls and guoliang

There was plenty of food:
Chicken Wings
Guoliang took this shot with my camera

Plenty more laughs:
junjie and guoliang
Up to this point, there wasn't alcohol involved. Honest!

Guoliang gave his best impression as the rebel youth:

Me? I was just happy to be there:
Shutter stutter
watch out for my "shadowless" fist!

It was still terrible to wait for an hour or so for a turn at the showers. But we managed.


  1. There will be one moderator. S/he will co-ordinate the game play.
  2. The number of cards will equal the number of players (less moderator).
  3. One of the cards will be a "Jack". Whoever gets this card is the murderer. Each player will see only his/her card.
  4. Everyone will close their eyes and look down when the moderator starts the "kill time".
  5. Whoever the murderer is will look up then "murders" his/her victim with the moderator as witness. Killing is done by the murderer pointing at his/her victim (if only it's equally easy in real life).
  6. Murderer looks down and moderator will announce the end of "kill time" and ask everyone to look up. Moderator then make known who the victim is.
  7. Everybody will start accusing/defending. This is the fun part, people argue, form alliance, collude...
  8. Moderator will ask for a vote to be conducted. The players are voting who the murderer is.
  9. The player with the most votes is declared the murderer. S/he then opens his/her card.
    1. If it is a "Jack". The murder mystery is solved!
    2. If it is not a "Jack", the poor sod is wrongly accused and dies anyway!
  10. Another "kill time" will be ordered by the moderator with everyone closing their eyes and looking down.
  11. This cycle is continued until either a) the murderer is found or b) only two players are left (ie. the murderer and one last player).
  12. The game can be played by having the previous "kill time" victim witnessing the murder for the next "kill time" or made more exciting by having only the moderator as the witness.
  13. In the event of a tie in number of votes, the victim of the said round of "kill time" will have veto power.
I think this version is far more interesting than the version whereby there is a "detective" and the "murderer" gotta kill be winking. Quite pointless after a while.

Please note that instead of a "Jack", the "Joker" can be used as well.....


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