Saturday, March 17, 2007

Things that make you go hmmm....

Not sure how many of you read but i sure do.

i'm liking the current post.

the title of the post is actually:
Fun game: find a combination of two items that most freaks out the cashier. Winner: pregnancy test and single coat hanger.

Collective Double Takes.....

+ = ???
Ok, so the one drawn is a tube of KY plus banana or zucchini (or courgettes for the Brits) or apple (*gasp*) or orange (yikes!). KY plus a tubular fruit/vegetable sounds really naughty.

+ = !!!
Pregnancy test kit and a single coat hanger sounds scary.

+= Nice!
I'm thinking of sexy lingerie and a box of agar-agar mix. But that box of agar-agar would have to be damn huge pack. Like super-ultra-ginormous economy pack. *meow*

+= .....
How about a toy gun and a packet of stockings? Very Hong Kong triad stylee.

Anybody else? Anymore? Cause those thought up by me are really lousy....

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