Monday, December 08, 2008

Contemporary is Evergreen?

I read in the AssTee yesterday about a certain home owner's comments on her choice of decor for her apartment.

My choice of decor theme is
Contemporary. Modern designs are evergreen.
My first reaction was, "How can modern designs be evergreen?" If a design was modern, shouldn't it be forward looking or at least, not previously available? It's like saying "the future is constant". Furthermore, "contemporary" generally means "occurring at the same time".

However the lady could be correct.

In art, Contemporary is considered any art piece created now or recently as well as anything produced after world war 2. And surprise surprise, Modern art is a particular movement from lat 19th century to sometime around 1970s although there are still pieces of art created now in a Modern style.

She is of the opinion that a decor theme of "contemporary and modern" is "evergreen". That is subjective. But she is not saying anything to the effect that the future will be unchanged. That would be too presumptuous.

This has been another piece of useless information from me.

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