Tuesday, May 24, 2005

random rants

Got this from a cousin....

so how safe do you think your zipped luggage is? all it takes is a sharp object, a strong wrist and a diabolical mind. you won't even know that your luggage was broken into because once the zips are moved through the section which has been popped open, they will zip themselves up again. same thing for combination locks where the dials for the numbers are not tightly fitted to the locks. I can break the combination within a minute and I am not even an expert.

we all know how translations can be funny when words are translated directly.

imagine walking into a local grocery shop or the ntuc/giant/carrefour and find this:

many of us will know why, after thinking for a short while, the translated name turns out to be FUCK. but we will not understand. surely somebody will stop such nonsense.

now imgaine flipping through a chinese cookbook translated for non-chinese speaking population and you find this:

why oh why??

should you laugh? so should the people of the country that committed these horrendous mistakes glorify the uniqueness of their mistakes and so a new pidgin english is born?

for those who might not understand how FUCK becomes DRY or dehydrated (The image �http://hanweb.kanhan.com/fs?B8C9+2� cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.) in mandarin. it's got to do with knnbccb or like how i would say it: kay ann square bee see square bee.

as for chen's skin and far ambition. damn....aren't we worried.

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