Sunday, October 16, 2005

tiring sunday

Woke early this morning and decided to punish my ankle. I don't like to have that lingering pain that throbs whenever I am beginning to forget that I sprained it.

I changed up and went running from my place to serangoon stadium. I used to do that very often when I was in sec 3 and 4. So that's ten years ago. The serangoon road stretch from boon keng mrt all the way to serangoon mrt has gone through alot of changes. New roads, flyovers, buildings....even the cemetary has been cleared out.

The reason why I ran to serangoon stadium when I was in sec sch was cause this crush I had stays at serangoon ave 4. So I will ran to the stadium thinking that I am closer to her this way. Adolescent thinking....sometimes guys don't grow out of it.

Anyhow, had a meet up with uni friends. The trouble (not really trouble per se) is that whenever we meet, I'm just the only guy. And when they talk about relationships stuff....I feel "at a loss" and desperate to explain for typical guys behaviour. I guess there is no need for it. So normally I try very hard to remain silent. The conversation this time round was rather heavy going. Friend talked about the unfortunate event while she was travelling around Nepal and Tibet. We went through the beautiful pictures of sky, mountains, lakes, Nepalese kids, temples, etc...(I must not reveal how she and two other journalists the group used their journalist status to pressure the Nepalese Tourist Board equivalent to take positive action on the hotel and tour agent who provided little assistance to them after they were burglared - oops!)

It was heavy going because another friend was telling us about the recent suicide of her colleague and how she had difficulty getting back to normality and fearing the dark and being alone. That was where the "men are bastards" topics start. But it was really difficult to defend the actions and words of certain "men". Some men are indeed bastards. Some are worse. But take heart that most men aren't. But all girls are shoppers or capable of being shoppers. However much they try to resist. Girls who are not shoppers are either not girls or haven't been properly groomed.

It's tongue in cheek. In case any of you bra-burners start hurling abuse at me.

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