Saturday, September 15, 2007

Aural Fornication

When you call your band Stars Of Track And Field, I immediately think of Belle And Sebastian.

And when your debut album is being lauded by A - Z, I really prefer not to touch you with a ten-foot pole.

Then you went on to say that the name of the band was from the song but in no way are you a super fan. You were getting stoned and heard the song. You thought the refrain "Stars of track and field you are..." was excellent and named your band as such - but without "you are" of course.

Your debut album is title "Centuries Before Love And War" and tipped to be the bridge between Radiohead, Pink Floyd and U2. Yet reviewers think you sound like the freshest thing out there.

The possibility of you failing my standards, and thus tarnishing the name of you band looms large over my head (hangs heavy on my shoulders - whatever).

Damn, I love the things that can only disappoint.

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