Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What's the opposite of hypochondria?

I think that's what a number of people are.

Hypochodriacs - people think they are constantly not feeling well or suffering from some incurable disease. Melman, the giraffe, voiced by David Schwimmer comes to mind. Those that actually go to the doctor and get medication. Unsatisfied, they seek second, third opinions.

There are those who are afraid of finding out what they are down with. They think they might be sick but would rather live in denial and not know. They procrastinate before going to the doctor and health screenings.

I think this sometimes applies to other things besides health matters. Like if something's going wrong, if I don't have the courage to face it now, I'm rather prepared to just avert all the issues until there is a better time. If there is a better time. It may not necessarily be a bad thing. Like a broken branch hanging by the bark, if you try to lift it up, the effort might just be enough to break the branch off completely. So why not just leave it till a later time.

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